<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/8c87ad57-c1d3-4159-8e08-f7d5dd22d6f5/Frame_15.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/8c87ad57-c1d3-4159-8e08-f7d5dd22d6f5/Frame_15.png" width="40px" /> See Chapter 5 of the Success Secret for more tips from a professional growth hacker


Table of Contents

  1. Better understand your customers by collecting feedback with offboarding questions
  2. List short-term business objectives
  3. Review and brainstorm easy tactics for customer acquisition
  4. Plan and implement quick-turnaround growth hack experiments
  5. Track your results. Examine the data

Worksheets Ch5.2

Step one:

Collect feedback while offboarding your customers


  1. Use the fields in the table below to ask them questions about their experience with you, your offer, your process, and note their response
  2. Get a testimonial for your records
  3. Mark the customer as “feedback given”
  4. Look over your sales call notes and reflect on all the information you’ve collected. Figure out what’s been learned and what adjustments should you make for next time

👇 Toggle for sales call notes

Untitled Database