<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/8c87ad57-c1d3-4159-8e08-f7d5dd22d6f5/Frame_15.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/8c87ad57-c1d3-4159-8e08-f7d5dd22d6f5/Frame_15.png" width="40px" /> Learn how to understand what customers want in Chapter 2 of the Success Secret


Table of Contents

  1. List what your customers already use to accomplish their goals
  2. Research the solutions they cited (these are your competitors)
  3. What are YOUR goals? Figure out what you want to do
  4. Assess your strengths and weaknesses; identify business opportunities and threats
  5. Define your unique offer

Worksheets Ch2


The problem you’re trying to solve is

Untitled Database

Step one:

How people currently solve the problem you’re trying to solve

We’ve pre-populated this table with people who said they would or already do pay to solve the problem. (Need a refresher on them? See your notes from chapter one)


  1. Add a column for each solution mentioned by a potential customer or that you saw pop up in your research
  2. Drag and drop people into the correct column based on the solution they use
  3. Add customers by clicking +New under the column marked No current fix
  4. Don’t forget to do research on sites like Reddit or Quora as well as interviews with people